Royal Society of Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry Group and CCP1

Theoretical Chemistry Days 11:

"Excited States"

University College, London - December 3rd, 2003

The 2003 Theoretical Chemistry Day (which is co-sponsored by the TCG and CCP1) will be held in the Department of Chemistry, University College, 20 Gordon Street at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday December 3rd.

Click here for maps.


13:30Professor I. H. WilliamsIntroduction
13:35Professor H.-J. Werner
(University of Stuttgart)
Ab initio calculation of excited states
14:25Dr N. A. Besley
(University of Nottingham)
A Wigner intracule based model of electron correlation in excited states
15:30Professor E. K. U. Gross
(Free University Berlin)
Time-dependent density functional theory: Moving from the linear to the non-linear domain
16:20Dr D. J. Tozer
(University of Durham)
Excitation energies in time-dependent density functional theory: The importance of the integer discontinuity
16:55Dr T. Todorov
(Queen's University Belfast)
Power dissipation in atomic-scale conductors: Quantum, classical and mixed quantum-classical dynamics

All are welcome. There are no registration formalities.