Applications of Genetic Algorithms in Chemistry

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Background: Genetic Algorithms

The genetic algorithm is a search technique based on the principles of natural evolution. It uses operators that are analogues of the evolutionary processes of mating (or ``crossover'' at the gene level), mutation and natural selection to explore multi-dimensional parameter spaces. The GA belongs to the class of evolutionary algorithms, which also includes evolution strategies, differential evolution and genetic programming.

In principal, a GA can be applied to any problem where the variables to be optimised (``genes'') can be encoded to form a string (``chromosome'') - as sheown below. Each string represents a trial solution of the problem. By analogy with biology, the values of the individual variables are known as ``alleles''.

In a typical GA, a population of individuals evolves for a certain number of generations - which is either fixed in advance or may depend on some convergence criterion.

The initial population corresponds to the starting set of individuals which are to be evolved by the GA. These individuals are usually generated randomly, though it may sometimes be beneficial to use any available prior knowledge or chemical intuition in the generation of the initial population (taking care not to bias the search too much).

Fitness is an important concept for the operation of the GA. The fitness of a string is a measure of the quality of the trial solution represented by the string with respect to the function being optimised. Thus, high fitness corresponds to a high value (in a maximisation problem) or a low value (in a minimisation problem) of the function. If the upper and lower limits of the function being optimised are known, then absolute fitness may be used -- where fitness values may be compared from generation to generation. Otherwise (as in most GA applications), dynamic fitness scaling can be adopted, where, in each generation the fitnesses of all the individuals are scaled relative to the best and worst members of the current population. Fitness is important in determining the likelihood of an individual taking part in crossover and also in deciding which individuals will survive into the next generation.

Selection refers to the way in which individual members of the population are chosen for subsequent crossover. There are a number of selection methods, the two most common being ``roulette wheel'' and ``tournament'' selection. In roulette wheel selection (shown below), a string is chosen at random and selected for crossover if its fitness value (f_i) is greater than a randomly generated number between 0 and 1, otherwise another string is chosen and tested. The analogy with a roulette wheel is apparent if one envisages a roulette wheel with a slot for each member of the population, where each slot has a width (and therefore a probability of the ``ball'' dropping into it) which is proportional to the fitness of the corresponding member of the population. Tournament selection involves picking a number of strings at random from the population to form a ``tournament'' pool. The two strings of highest fitness are then selected as parents from this tournament pool.

Crossover is the way in which ``genetic'' information from two (or sometimes more than two) ``parent'' strings is combined to generate ``offspring''. In one-point crossover (a below), two parent strings are cut at the same point and offspring are formed by combining complementary genes from the parents (i.e. the first part of parent 1 with the second part of parent 2 and vice versa).

In two-point crossover (b below), the two parents are cut at two points and offspring are formed by inserting a the central sequence from parent 1 into parent 2 and vice versa. Other types of crossover are possible, such as uniform crossover, where offspring are generated by taking a certain number of genes from each parent, with no restriction on where these genes occur in the string.

Mutation - While the crossover operation leads to a mixing of genetic material in the offspring, no new genetic material is introduced, which can lead to lack of population diversity and eventually ``stagnation'' - where the population converges on the same, non-optimal solution. The GA mutation operator helps to increase population diversity by introducing new genetic material. This can be accomplished by making a random change to one or more randomly chosen genes in an individual (as shown below). In static mutation, the mutated gene is assigned a completely random value, while in dynamic mutation its value is changed by a small, random amount about its original value.

``Natural'' selection - In biological evolution the concept of the ``survival of the fittest'' (or best adapted to the environment) is a strong evolutionary driving force. In the case of a GA, although the selection is clearly not ``natural'', individuals (be they parents, offspring or mutants) are likewise selected to survive into the next generation on the basis of their fitness (their quality with regards to the quantity being optimised). There are many modifications of the selection step, however: for example all mutants may be accepted, none of the parents may be accepted, or only the best parents may survive (the so-called ``elitist'' strategy - adopted so that the best member of the population cannot get worse from one generation to the next).

Schemata - The GA operators essentially exchange information between individual strings to evolve new and better solutions to the problem being optimised. A critical feature of the GA approach is that it operates effectively in a parallel manner, such that many different regions of parameter space are investigated simultaneously. Furthermore, information concerning different regions of parameter space is passed actively between the individual strings by the crossover procedure, thereby disseminating genetic information throughout the population. The GA is an intelligent search mechanism that is able to learn which regions of the search space represent good solutions, via the recognition of schemata. The figure below shows three strings of seven variables (genes). The values of the variables (alleles--represented by blue symbols) are such that the three strings have identical values for genes 2 and 4. These three strings, therefore, contain a common ``schema'' (or building block, shown in red at the bottom of the figure) corresponding (in this example) to a star at position 2 and a snow flake at position 4. In a real application of a GA, a good schema (corresponding to a set of optimal or near-optimal variables) may be implicitly recognised and propagated within the population, if it leads to individuals of relatively high fitness.
